Association for the Development and Education of Youth “Safe Step” realizes the project “Social inclusion of the invisible” which is financially supported by the City Administration of the City of Bijeljina.
The overall goal of the project is to reduce poverty and the number of marginalized people and increase their visibility.
Specific objectives:
1) That 5 people in Bijeljina, socially disadvantaged and Roma, aged 30-65, who are on the margins of society, become more visible to other residents of the city and local actors, that their story reaches at least 500 people.
2) To start solving the problem of 5 families in Bijeljina
3) To empower 5 young people and break prejudices by acquiring new skills through the activities of participating in the project (street action) and leading the project.
The value of the project is that when the project is finished, it will continue to solve the problems of the target group, thus making them more visible to others. The value is that others have not dealt with the topic in this way before.

The main activity in the project is the recording of a short film about 5 people from Bijeljina, who are not visible in our society. Some of them don’t have a roof over their heads, some don’t have jobs or any sources of income, and one of them is in a wheelchair, she has been ill since she was 24 and almost never leaves the house. All of them are excluded from our society, because they do not leave their community, and some do not even leave their homes. These are ordinary people with their own problems, which we want you to get to know through this film. The goal of showing these stories is to draw attention to people in our city who are invisible, to help them in any way. This film will awaken an emotion in you, and we will be there if you want to support any of them in any way and put a smile on their faces. We may not be able to save the whole world, but we can make one person’s world better and we have done a lot.
On World Roma Day, April 8, an event was organized at the “Semberija” Cultural Center in Bijeljina, where the film was shown to representatives of relevant institutions in the city of Bijeljina, as well as other organizations, so that the relevant actors could see and hear about stories of the aforementioned invisible people.

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